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 防凌 [fáng líng添加此单词到默认生词本
reduce the menace of ice run
[水利] ice prevention

  1. 通过分析研究,便于指导防凌实践,使防凌工作更加科学合理。
    The objective of this paper is to guide ice flood control and make flood control more reasonably and scientifically.
  2. 结合水库蓄水后近3年水库冰凌的实际情况,分析了水库防凌对电站发电效益的影响,提出了凌汛期水库调度运行的建议及库区河段冰凌的综合防治措施。
    Based on the reservoir operation experience in the three ice periods, suggestion on reservoir operation and comprehensive prevention and cure measure are provided in the text.
  3. 本文论述了黄河下游当前急待解决的防洪、防凌以及减缓河道淤积等问题!
    The paper deals with the imminent problems on the lower reaches of the Yellow River with respect to flood and ice run protection and retarding channel aggradation, among others.

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