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 铝搪瓷 [lǚ táng cí添加此单词到默认生词本
[化工] aluminium enamel

  1. 结果表明,密着性能优良的无铅建筑铝搪瓷界面存在元素与瓷釉元素相互扩散的中间过渡层;
    The results show that there is an interlayer, which is developed at the interface due to the interdiffusion of aluminium element and enamel elements .
  2. 结果表明,密着性能优良的无铅建筑铝搪瓷界面存在元素与瓷釉元素相互扩散的中间过渡层;
    The results show that there is an interlayer, which is developed at the interface due to the interdiffusion of aluminium element and enamel elements . The cohesion between aluminium and the interla…
  3. X射线能谱仪分析结果表明界面间的元素扩散十分强烈,并由此促进了覆钢板与搪瓷层形成良好的密着。
    The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic analysis showed that there existed a strong elemental diffusion at interface which resulted in the strong adherence between the enamel and aluminum-coated steel.

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