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edge of weapon

  1. 他年轻气盛,年长一些的朋友都劝他不要锋太露。
    He is too young, and his older friends advise him not to show off his talents.
  2. 锣、象脚鼓一齐敲响,澜沧江两岸顿时变成了欢乐的海洋。
    Mang Gong, Elephant-foot drum sounded together, the two sides Lancangjiang joy suddenly turned into the ocean.
  3. 接着,围观的群众敲响锣、皮鼓,手拉手结成一圈唱歌跳舞。
    Then, the masses of onlookers mang gong sounded, Pigu, hand in hand to form a circle to sing and dance.

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