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 金门 [jīn mén添加此单词到默认生词本
{穴位} Jinmen (B 63)

  1. 一位示威者因从金门桥上摔下而死亡。当局正在着手调查,死因有可能是自杀。
    One protester died after tumbling from the Golden Gate Bridge. Authorities were investigating the death as a possible suicide.
  2. 1958年8月底,炮击金门作战刚刚打响,国防部长彭德怀元帅乘车检阅了陆海空三军。
    By the end of August 1958, the shelling of Kinmen has just started operations, Defense Minister Marshal Peng reviewed the Army car.
  3. 火炬星期二早上抵达加利福尼亚州;在火炬抵达前一天,抗议者攀缘着名的金门大桥,悬挂支援西藏自由的条幅。
    The torch arrived in California early Tuesday, a day after protesters scaled the famous Golden Gate bridge to hang banners supporting Tibetan freedom from China.

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