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pink wine

  1. 滨海小姐:滨海的男性器官象五浆(滨海县生产的一种白酒)。
    ms binhai: well, i can say that male organs in binhai are like wutijiang.
  2. 父母可鼓励儿女一同立志参加此运动﹐发挥合家的上进精神﹐彼此督促及提
    Parents should encourage their children to participate, so that the entire family can progress, reminding each other and spurring on each other.
  3. 他的首次大突破是从在布鲁明岱尔百货店接下一个为大批商店提供豆腐的订单开始。
    His first big break occurred when Bloomingdale's placed an order, giving Tofuti exposure to a large number of shoppes.

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