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 配重块 添加此单词到默认生词本
[矿业] balancing weight
clump weight

  1. 探讨一种具有柔性配重的曲柄滑机构。
    A kind of crank-slider mechanism with flexible counterweight was discussed in this paper.
  2. 本文介绍了压力机飞轮动平衡测试过程,通过配重块标准化提高了压力机飞轮动平衡测试的效率。
    The paper introduced the process of dynamic equilibrium test on flywheel of the press, and the efficiency of dynamic equilibrium test is increased by the standardization of balance masses.
  3. 用数控镗床定心解决了定心精度问题,用固定配重A和可调整配重块B解决了配重平衡问题。
    The centering accuracy problem is solved by centering of numerical control boring machine and the counterweight balance problem is solved by the fixed counterweight A and adjustable counterweight B.

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