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 逆向反应 添加此单词到默认生词本
[化学] backward reaction

  1. 背索刺激的阈强度、不应期和逆向反应潜伏期等参数多高于背外侧索的有关参数。
    Most of the threshold, refractory period, and latency recorded from the dorsal column side were higher than those in the dorsolateral funiculus .
  2. 对好消息反应延迟且逆向反应,对坏消息反应过度,这反映出中国股市“杠杆效应”的存在。
    There is delay reaction and converse reaction to good news and overreaction to bad news. These phenomena show the existence of leverage effect in China stock market.
  3. 这些神经元对刺激背索抑或背外侧索的逆向反应,在C_(7)-T_(4)节段的背索和背外侧索被分隔开时消失。
    One of the antidromic responses of these neurons to dorsal and dorsolateral funicular stimulation disappeared when dissection between the two funiculi reached the segments of C_(7)-T_(4).

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