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 输出元件 添加此单词到默认生词本
output element

  1. 被固定的元件不同,就会在输入与输出元件之间产生不同的传动比。
    Depending on which part is stationary, which part is the input and which part is the output, different gear ratios will result.
  2. 伺服系统将检测信号和输入指令进行比较,将差值转化从而控制输出元件
    The servo systems compare the feedback signal with input instruction, then convert the difference into compensatory instruction so to control the output component.
  3. 为此,在驱动装置输出 元件与回转盘之间布置至少一个卡位锁紧机构,所述卡位锁紧机构具 有配置有有限的保持力的、形状配合的锁紧装置。
    To achieve this, at least one detent lock comprising a lock that engages in a positive fit and has a limited retaining force is located between a drive element of the drive and the pivot plate.

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