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 辅助视图 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] auxiliary view
auxiliary projection

  1. 可以看到,有一个主 Visualiser 视图和一个辅助 Visualiser Menu 视图,这个视图中列出了被显示的方面。
    As you can see, there is the main Visualiser view and a second Visualiser Menu view, which lists the aspects being displayed.
  2. 尽管可能有许多用于提供不同数据视图辅助性索引B树,但每个表均由一个包含数据的B树组成。
    Each table consists of one B-tree that contains the data, although there can be many secondary index B-trees used to provide different views of the data.
  3. 另外本文系统地讨论了视图自维护的条件,有辅助视图自维护的完整流程以及对辅助视图的定义进行了归纳。
    Also, we discussed the conditions of the view maintenance, the process of the self-maintenance with auxiliary views and summarized the definition of the auxiliary views.

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