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 软骨组织 添加此单词到默认生词本
[组织] cartilage tissue
cartilaginous tissue

  1. 对耳屏是一个小小的软骨组织,犹如一道低矮的墙让耳塞呆在原位。
    That’s the little lower-edge wall of cartilage that would hold earbuds in place.
  2. 在青春期,随着喉的发育,软骨组织也相应增大,形成了一个肿块。
    As the larynx grows during puberty, the cartilage enlarges to accommodate it, creating a bump.
  3. 对于机场安检来说要扫描耳朵必须要具备一套叫做影像光束仪的设备,这种设备可以通过人皮肤的凹凸,皮肤机理和软骨组织成像成耳朵样子。
    Scanning ears for airport security would require a technology called image ray transform, which maps the curves and wrinkles of the skin, cartilage and lobes that make up the ear.

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