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 赘瘤 [zhuì liú添加此单词到默认生词本
anything superfluous or useless

  1. 绝对地租理论是马克思地租理论中最具特点的理论,不是“理论的赘瘤”。
    Absolute land rent is one of the most characteristic Marxism land rent theory, not a redundancy.
  2. 当时著名的医生华佗来给曹操看病,说他可以开颅取出曹操脑袋里的赘瘤
    The famous doctor, Hua Tuo came to take a look and said that he would have to open up his head and take out the tumor inside.
  3. 临床怀疑肿瘤时,如果在切片上又发现高等级之前列腺上皮内赘瘤,须进一步探查恶性肿瘤之存在。
    The presence of high grade PIN in biopsy of patients with clinically suspicious tumors is an indication of further search for malignancy.

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