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  1. 我们决不相信这个贴吧巨大的机会宝库会资金不足。
    We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this forum.
  2. 多数大学生早就对校园论坛、百度贴吧及其他在线论坛十分熟悉。有些人是活跃用户,更有人甚至担任论坛版主一职。
    Most college students are already familiar with their campus BBS, Baidu post bar and other kinds of online forums. Some are active members, or even moderators.
  3. 该节目称贴吧中的语言是“侮辱性的”,并援引蔡继明的话说,百度“侵犯”了他的权利,百度应加强对贴吧内容的“管理”。
    The CCTV report calls the comments on Tieba 'slanderous, ' and quotes Mr. Cai as saying the company 'violated' his rights and that it should better 'manage' the content.

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