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 负阻特性 添加此单词到默认生词本
negative resistance characteristic

  1. 由于这类器件结构简单,负阻特性又灵活多变而便于控制调节,可以预料其广阔的应用前景。
    As such circuits are simple and their vi curves are versatile and easy to control, practical applications are expected.
  2. 最后还对在正向电流-电压区域出现微分负阻特性的器件进行了失效分析。
    Finally, the failure analysis of LED with differential negative resistance effect in the current-voltage characteristics was given.
  3. 该结构降低了器件的寄生电容,改善了敏感薄膜的负阻特性,适用于共振隧穿效应陀螺。
    The structure can reduce the parasitic capacitance of the sensor, improve the negative resistance characteristics of the sensitive film, and be used in micro gyroscope.

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