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 调整网络 [tiáo zhěng wǎng luò添加此单词到默认生词本
[电子] adjustment network

  1. 通过调整网络的参数,有效地提高了识别率。
    By adjusting the parameters of the neural network, the Ratio of recognition is improved efficiently.
  2. 美国与其他国家仍须调整网络防御措施,以区分单纯的滋扰和真正的威胁。
    AMERICA and other countries still have to fine-tune their cyber-defences to distinguish mere nuisances from real menaces.
  3. 根据计算结果确定出窄点温度及最小公用工程用量,依此调整网络中物流的热流量及换热匹配;
    Based on the calculation, the pinch point temperature and the minimum amount of public utility were determined, hereby the heat flow rate and the matching of heat\|exchange were adjusted.

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