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 证券存款 添加此单词到默认生词本
certificate deposit
certificate of deposit

  1. 摩根·斯坦利美邦不仅提供了一个庞大的销售平台——例如,公司最近为通用汽车率领发行证券——而且也是一个有用的存款来源。
    Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (MSSB) not only provides a huge distribution platform-for instance, the firm recently led a stock offering for General motors-but is also a useful source of deposits.
  2. 如果是相反的情况,中央银行可以卖出证券,减少会员银行的存款,收紧信贷。
    Reverse the process, and you have the central bank selling securities, lowering member bank balances, and tightening credit.
  3. 像高盛和摩根·斯坦利这样的银行不通过储蓄存款筹集资金,而是把股票证券卖给私人投资者。
    Banks like Goldman Sachs (GS) or Morgan Stanley (MS) do not raise funds through deposits but instead sell securities to private investors.

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