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 表面功 [biǎo miàn gōng添加此单词到默认生词本
[物] surface work

  1. 实验表明,血液相容性是表面能和函数共同作用的结果。
    The results indicate that the blood compatibility is related to the surface energy and work function of titanium oxide film.
  2. 这不仅仅是一个简单的表面功 夫,看着进度条会让时间过的快一些。
    This isn't just simple courtesy, watching the progress bar move makes time fly faster.
  3. 首先,我们结合了化学合成及表面工程技术以控制金属函数及表面接触特性。
    First, we combine surface chemistry and processes engineering so as to control the work function on metal contact.

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