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 蒸汽参数 添加此单词到默认生词本
steam parameter

  1. 湿蒸汽参数的准确测量,对汽轮机的经济性和安全性具有重大意义。
    Measured wetness of saturated steam plays an important role in the thermal efficiency and safety of condensing turbine.
  2. 文摘:湿蒸汽参数的准确测量,对汽轮机的经济性和安全性具有重大意义。
    Abstract: Measured wetness of saturated steam plays an important role in the thermal efficiency and safety of condensing turbine.
  3. 控制的独特的PID结构,使应用的理想的地方,这是需要以控制蒸汽参数的植物一样,水轮机调速器,涡轮负荷,涡轮进气或排气头的压力,或联络线的权力。
    Thecontrol's unique PID structure makes it ideal for applications where itis required to control steam plant parameters like turbine speed,turbine load, turbine inlet or exhaust header pressure, or tie-linepower.

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