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 臂状物 [bì zhuàng wù添加此单词到默认生词本
[植] brachiate

  1. 包括年纪较小的恒星在中心从年纪较大的中螺旋出去的臂状物
    arms containing younger stars spiral out from old stars at the center.
  2. 有螺旋形构造的星系; 包括年纪较小的恒星在中心从年纪较大的中螺旋出去的臂状物
    A galaxy having a spiral structure ; arms containing younger stars spiral out from old stars at the center .
  3. 演员坐在此设备中,光线从一个臂状物中射出,在一分钟之内来回扫过他的脸。
    The actor sits inside the device, and a light source, mounted on an arm, is moved around his face over the course of a minute.

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