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 脚链 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 最后,还有链接到版权、隐私策略等信息的页脚链接 —— 这些链接是有意义的,但是与页面上的其他链接相比不太重要,希望以不太醒目的方式显示。
    Finally, you might have footer links to information such as copyright, privacy policy, and so forth -- links that are important but can be less obvious than other links on the page.
  2. 如今我们将各人所得的金器,就是脚链子,镯子,打印的戒指,耳环,手镯,都送来为耶和华的供物,好在耶和华面前为我们的生命赎罪。
    So we have brought as an offering to the Lord the gold articles each of us acquired-armlets, bracelets, signet rings, earrings and necklaces-to make atonement for ourselves before the Lord .
  3. 他们仍然分开被关押,并且还戴着脚链,仍在被不断审问。 每间小小的牢房里都只有一个照明用的灯泡,还有一张稻草床垫。
    They were still isolated and in irons, still undergoing interrogations, still each in a small cell illuminated by a single bulb, with a straw mattress.

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