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 脉冲编码装置 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. 速度环中用做速度反馈的检测装置是测速发电动机、脉冲编码器等。
    Speed loop speed feedback to be used for the detection device is generating motivation, speed pulse coder, etc.
  2. 变频器转速闭环变频调速系统设计采用无速度反馈装置脉冲编码器。
    The close loop system of frequency conversion adjusting speed is based on non-speed feedback equipment or pulse coder.
  3. 装置依靠微型电池驱动,设有内置天线,它的发射器可以利用各种编码脉冲进行数据中转。
    The device operated on tiny power cells and had a built-in antenna. Its transmitter would relay data from the device by means of coded pulses.

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