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 胡椒瓶 [hú jiāo píng添加此单词到默认生词本
pepper cellar
pepper shaker

  1. 去年,当他在线浏览准备购买一个胡椒瓶时,突然想出一个主意:创建Google的价格指数(GPI)。
    Last year, while looking to buy a pepper shaker online, he hit upon the idea of a Google Price Index (GPI).
  2. 请向后伸手把胡椒递给我。
    Please reach back and pass me the pepper caster.
  3. 这套有磁性的盐摇胡椒粉摇以温暖的拥抱结合在一起,给你的餐桌布置增添了一点时尚的格调。
    Magnetic Salt and Pepper Shakers come together in a warm embrace to add a stylish touch to your table setting.

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