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 胆大包天的 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 此时匪首劳伦斯居然胆大包天的直接打电话对科纳斯挑衅说,要是明天还抓不到他的话就永远没机会了。
    At this point Lawrence bandit chieftain was audacious in the extreme corners of the direct call of provocation that would also capture him tomorrow, then it will never be no opportunity to do so.
  2. 这对胆大包天的夫妇是来自弗吉尼亚州北部的塔里克‧萨拉希和妻子米夏埃拉,在当地马球界有点名气。
    The dare-devil couple are Tareq and Michaele Salahi from North Virginia, who are quite famous in the local polo community.
  3. 出了好莱坞,加州本身就造就了美国俚语的普遍,创造了胆大包天的(很棒的)、引人敬畏的以及许多其他的词汇。
    Outside Hollywood, California itself is an incubator of American slang, producing phrases such as bodacious, awesome and many more.

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