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 股票贷款 [gǔ piào dài kuǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
[金融] stock loan

  1. 同时,越来越多的公司高管被迫出售其持有的股票以支持银行和券商的股票贷款
    In the meantime, more and more companies are in charge of the stock that is forced to sell its hold high to borrow money in order to support the stock of bank and certificate business.
  2. 王勇的律师表示,他的委托人否认这笔钱是贿赂,而只是用来在香港购买股票贷款
    Mr Wang's lawyer says his client denies that the money was a bribe, but rather a loan to buy shares in Hong Kong.
  3. 在雷曼破产前,规模达数十亿美元的基金会把某一大宗经纪商视为个人管家——可随时提供互换或股票贷款
    Pre-Lehman, multibillion-dollar funds would treat a single prime broker like a personal butler, able to serve up swaps or stock loans at a moment's notice.

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