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 耳子 [ěr zi添加此单词到默认生词本
the ears or side handles of sth.

  1. 烧锅系生铁铸成,形状似带盖的圆铁盒,盖中间有挑盖的耳子,有大有小。
    The distillery is the pig iron casts, the shape resembles the rod iron box which the belt covers, among the lid has selects lid's handle, varies.
  2. 增加管坯尾端定心设备后,可在管坯尾端加工出一个中心孔,消除铁耳子,提高芯棒使用寿命,改善钢管内表面质量。
    After adding a billet end centralizing equipment, the' steel chip' is eliminated, and the life of mandrel and the surface quality of the pipe is prolonged and improved respectively.

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