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 网际电话 添加此单词到默认生词本
internet phone

  1. 现在,网际网路使世界甚至变得更小,除了电话和传真的便利之外,再加上任何一个上网的信徒几乎都可以和各地人士互通讯息,全世界就在你的指尖下!
    Now, with the Internet, the world has gotten even smaller. In addition to phones and faxes, any.
  2. 必要的及合理的电话、传真和网际网路使用费用是有所补偿的。
    Necessary and reasonable expenses for telephone calls, fax transmissions, and Internet access are reimbursable.
  3. 零成本广告的效果现在真的已经超越广告看板、收音机、电视、印刷品和电话簿等媒体,这都要感谢网际网路这个最大的功臣。
    Thanks mostly to the Internet, it's now feasible for no-cost advertising to outperform billboards, radio, TV, the print media, yellow pages and more.

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