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 缩节 [suō jié添加此单词到默认生词本
casing coupling

  1. 这是根据原著缩节而成的。
    It was abridged from the original work.
  2. 直接配置电缆(缩节胺)和软件可以购买使用,与电脑或笔记本电脑,并可能是可取的广泛配置的应用程序或在数个类似的单位即将成立的。
    Adirect configuration cable (DPC) and software can be purchased for usewith a PC or laptop and may be advisable for extensive configurationapplications or where several similar units are to be set up.
  3. 他们在万圣继续沿用许多的仪式,有些仪式现在仍然存在。
    They carried on practicing many Samhain rites at Halloween, some of which still exist today.

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