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 经验概率 添加此单词到默认生词本
empirical probability

  1. 现行建筑内部给水、排水设计秒流量计算方法有平方根法、经验法和概率法等。
    The rapid calculation method of the design flow of water supply pipe design in residential building;
  2. 现行建筑内部给水、排水设计秒流量计算方法有平方根法、经验法和概率法等。
    Currently the methods of design flow rate for domestic drainage which are popularly used in the world include square root method, experience method and probability method.
  3. 其次,从苏佩斯的理论观、概率观、概率因果观和理性观这四大方面,来介绍并分析苏佩斯的“概率经验主义”这一哲学的主要观点;
    Secondly, through Suppes' views on theory, views on probability, views of probabilistic causality and views on rationality, it introduces and analyses Suppes' main views of 'Probabilistic Empiricism'.

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