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 纸带文件 添加此单词到默认生词本
tape file

  1. 文件除了存储在磁带上还可以输出保存在纸带上。
    The file can not only be kept on the tape, but also output and kept on paper tapes.
  2. 同时查看富怡系统花版文件纸带文件的缩图,显示多种图像格式文件
    Richpeace Design Pro could check the simple pictures of the design documents and tape documents, show multiple images formats;
  3. 因为这些系统通过纸带和磁带操作,所以通过那些介质表示的软件已经被重新包装成易于使用的文件
    Because these systems operated with paper tape and magnetic tapes, the software represented by those media has been repackaged into files for ease of use.

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