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 纵行 [zòng háng添加此单词到默认生词本
wale (线圈)

  1. 所以要减小织物的纵行歪斜角就得找到能减小纱线捻度活性的办法。
    Therefore, if you want to decrease the spirality , you should find a method to decrease the yarn twist liveliness.
  2. 这些配备着纵行排列的激光炮和坚固装甲的雄伟战舰是人族星空上最强的武器火力。
    Outfitted with bristling laser batteries and thick neosteel armor, these imposing vessels are among the most powerful to be found in terran space.
  3. 本文应用双能X线骨密度仪及生物力学方法观察了幼年期小型猪髁突纵行骨折对髁突的影响。
    In this study, the effects of longitudinal condylar fracture on TMJ in the childhood miniature pig were observed by using "DEXA" and "biological mechanics" methods.

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