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 纯光谱 [chún guāng pǔ添加此单词到默认生词本
[光] pure spectrum

  1. 这种系统使用的纯光谱分布反馈激光器,以尽量减少光纤色散的影响。
    Such systems use the spectrally pure distributed-feedback lasers to minimize fiber dispersion effects.
  2. 将蒽、菲、芘混合物的荧光激发-发射光谱中提取的纯光谱与实验谱作了比较,并分别作为广义减秩法的校准预报未知混合物的浓度。
    The obtained pure spectra which were extracted from the excitation-emission matrix of anthracene phenanthrene and pyrene multi-sample mixture were compared to the experimental pure spectra.
  3. 在此前提下,借助目标试验因子分析结合数值遗传算法可解析出动力学参数及有关组分的纯光谱
    Based on this, the kinetic parameters and the pure absorption spectra of relative components can be resolved by target-testing factor analysis (TTFA) combined with numeric genetic algorithm (NGA) .

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