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 端区 [duān qū添加此单词到默认生词本
[昆] petiolarea

  1. 托尼阻挡汤姆,让杰克攻入对方端区持球触地得分。
    Tony blocked Tom allowing Jack to run for the touchdown.
  2. 她调查了全球15种啮齿动物,以检测各种类所表达的端区酶活性的级别,并观察是否存在相关性。
    She investigated 15 rodents from across the globe to determine what level of telomerase activity each species expressed, to see if there were some correlation she could find.
  3. 但是还没有人研究为什么老鼠表达粒酶而人却不。事实上,在动物界端区酶的活性几乎没有被载入。
    But no one has looked into why mice express telomerase and humans don't. In fact, telomerase activity has been barely catalogued in the animal kingdom.

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