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 稳定点 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] stable point
stationary point

  1. 在不稳定点,任何小的断裂都可能引发大的断裂事件。
    At the unstable points, every small failures may trigger large failures.
  2. 并证明,该方法构造的神经网络只有一个稳定点,且从任意初始均可收敛到该稳定点,该稳定点恰好对应图的所有最短路径。
    The network can converge to this equivalence-point from arbitrary initial point and this equivalence-point corresponds exactly all the shortest path pairs of the graph.
  3. 此算法由于其跟踪稳定,不受随机噪声的影响,因而可以大大提高跟踪精度,在实际应用中获得较好的效果。
    The tracking accuracy can be greatly improved since the algorithm has a stable tracking point and will not be affected by random noise. It has obtained a better effect in the practical application.

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