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 积案 [jī àn添加此单词到默认生词本
a long-pending case

  1. 程高本后四十回之真伪与艺术上之得失,是红学研究的一大积案
    The true and false judgment of Cheng and Gao editions back forty chapters as well as its artistic value are the pending problems in "Red" study.
  2. 因此,新趋势的后果之一,是使本来已经非常严峻的积案问题更加恶化。
    A consequence of the new trends, then, is exacerbation of the already disturbing backlog problem.
  3. 任职后,惩恶扬善,抑强扶弱,果断处理了前几任知府都未能了结的积案,从而得罪了地方豪强,险遭杀害。
    Assumption of office in good and evil, or the weak and strong, decisive handling of the former have not been able to settlezhi fu of the backlog, which offended the localize qiang , nearly killed.

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