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 磁感应密度 添加此单词到默认生词本
magnetic density

  1. 得到电流密度与阻尼器通道处磁感应强度之间的关系。
    The relationship between current density and magnetic induction intensity in the damping passage is obtained.
  2. 理论解析表明,运用交变电磁力在液体金属内生成的磁声波的强度和所施加的静磁场的磁感应强度和交流电流的电流密度的乘积成正比;
    The theoretical analysis shows that the intensity of the generated waves is in proportion to the product of the imposed static magnetic field and alternating electrical current.
  3. 利用瞬态分析方法,研究高频正弦激励电流密度在结晶器内钢液中产生的磁感应强度、感应电流及电磁力的变化规律。
    The rule of magnetic induction density, induced eddy current and electromagnetic force varied with high frequency sine exciting current was investigated.

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