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magnetic relaxation

  1. 综述了逾渗系统的统计分形性质、逾渗网络的动力学、分形子概念的引入及其特殊的态密度,色散关系和超局域的性质、分形子存在的实验证据以及研究分形子的意义.讨论了分形子(振动分形子或分形子)对金属玻璃中的类近藤效应,并对稀释体中电输运、半导体中激子弛豫动力学、分形结构超导体的转变温度、正常态电阻温度关系及分形子超局域化的实验证据等问题进行了研究.
    An overview has been given on fractal properties of percolating systems,introduction of fractons,their characteristic properties and experimental evidence of existence of fractons.The results of investigation on effect of fractons on Kondo-like effect in metallic glasses, specific transpost properties in dilutedd magnets, exciton relaxation dynamics in semiconductors, happing conductivity, transition temperature and conductivity temperature dependence in superconductors with fractal structure,are reported.The experimental evidence of superlocalization property of fractons in a happing system is given as well.

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