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 碰撞率 添加此单词到默认生词本
impingement rate
collision efficiency

  1. 有一个32位的哈希碰撞率差异与两个16位散列?。
    Is there a collision rate difference between one 32-bit hash vs two 16 bit hashes?
  2. 此外,低碰撞率的等离子体内部更容易产生光子。
    In addition, the photons are more easily created under the lower collision frequency.
  3. 研究具有有限惯性、并有局部富集条件下颗粒的碰撞率是目前两相流体力学和气溶胶动力学的研究热点之一。
    Research on collision rate of finite inertial particle with preferential concentration is one of hotspots in gas-particle flow mechanism and aerosol dynamics.

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