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 相生相克 [xiāng shēng xiāng kè添加此单词到默认生词本
reinforce each other
mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements
mutually reinforce and neutralize each other

  1. 五行的相生相克,是人体正常生理活动的基本条件。
    Promotion and restriction among the five elements are the basic conditions for normal physiological activities of the body.
  2. 我们知道职业之间总有相生相克,可我们还是想避免极端。
    We understand that classes will to some extent always have other classes they are better or worse against, but we want to avoid extremes.
  3. 对于大多数植物,种间最有效的资源竞争是异种相生相克关系。
    Among plants, one of the most effective forms of interspecific competition for resources is allelopathy.

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