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 目视检测 [mù shì jiǎn cè添加此单词到默认生词本
visual investigation
[试验] visual detection

  1. CCD平整度目视检测专用机。
    Three, CCD visual flatness detection dedicated machine.
  2. 这仪器是一个完整的电子收音机和目视检测,这些的使用方法都是十分简单。
    This is a fully electronic audio and visual detecting system that is that is surprisingly easy to use.
  3. 易于连接到任何减压区上进行“区”内、安全阀开启压差、受污染的止回阀或无法目视检查定位等类似问题的精确检测
    It is easily connected to any RPZ enabling accurate testing of "zone" and relief valve opening differential fouled check valves or similar problems that visual inspections cannot locate.

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