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 监督过程 [jiān dū guò chéng添加此单词到默认生词本
[自] monitor procedure

  1. 但是大多数的电站都有检测的井,但是不是在这个特殊的泄露发生的地方,你们记得反应堆监督过程吗,他们得到了一个白色的发现。
    But most of the plants have monitoring wells but not where apparently this particular leak occurred. And you remember the reactor oversight process? They got a white finding.
  2. 我也会花些事件来谈论,反应堆的监督过程以及,联邦条例中的规定,那控制着在一个,运行中的反应堆发生的一切事项。
    I'm also gonna spend some time talking about the reactor oversight process and the code of federal regulations which controls everything that happens in an operating reactor.
  3. 通过典型性案例,概括出网络舆论监督的三大类型,并着重分析网络舆论在行政权力监督过程中的实现方式。
    Through the typical cases, summarized the three types of network public opinion supervision, and focused on analysis of net opinion supervision in the executive power in the process of implementation.

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