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 瘪三 [biē sān添加此单词到默认生词本
a wretched-looking tramp who lives by begging or stealing

  1. 上海人叫小瘪三的那批角色,也很像我们的党八股,干瘪得很,样子十分难看。
    Like our stereotyped Party writing, the creatures known in Shanghai as "little piehsan" are wizened and ugly.
  2. 演员马克·华伯格以小瘪三的姿态开始了他的社会生活,他甚至曾因野蛮殴打两名越南人而锒铛入狱。
    Performer Mark Wahlberg began his public life as a small-time thug, even doing time at one point for the savage beatings of two Vietnamese men.
  3. 日本人还一直都抱有这种想法:公司实行终身雇佣制,永远都不会解雇员工;日本的黑手党,日本瘪三,是日本没落武士精神的守护者。
    Other abiding beliefs include companies looking after workers through lifetime employment and the yakuza, Japan's mafia, being guardians of the lost samurai spirit.

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