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 电流噪声 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电子] current noise

  1. 电流噪声标准偏差可用于比较同一种腐蚀类型下材料的腐蚀速度;
    Standard deviation of current noise is qualified to compare corrosion rates of metals with the same corrosion type.
  2. 在全光异步CDMA通信系统中,引入两个光硬件限幅器是有效减小多用户干扰及PIN光电检测过程暗电流噪声的一种方案。
    In all optical asynchronous CDMA communication system, multi-user interference and PIN dark current noise can be reduced by introducing double optical harder- limiters .
  3. 反馈安培计反馈回路中的取样电阻阻值高,其约翰逊电流噪声就比较低,从而比分流电阻值低的安培计的灵敏度更高。
    Feedback ammeters with high value sensing resistors in the feedback loop have lower Johnson current noise and thus greater sensitivity than shunt ammeters with lower resistance shunts.

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