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 用户设备 添加此单词到默认生词本
user equipment
subscriber equipment

  1. 有些时候,分相器采用三轴管道来提供液氮给用户设备
    There are occasions where the phase separator utilizes triaxial piping to deliver the liquid nitrogen to the user device.
  2. MID 框架(MID Profile)和 CLDC 提供了一个标准的运行时环境,这个环境允许把新的应用程序和服务动态地部署在终端用户设备上。
    The MID Profile and CLDC provide a standard runtime environment that allows new applications and services to be dynamically deployed on end-user devices.
  3. 虽然安装在本地的应用此时仍存留在用户设备上,但它们显然已不能被这些合法用户更新或重装。
    While locally installed applications remain on user's device this time, they obviously cannot be updated or re installed by users who have legally purchased them.

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