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 环点 添加此单词到默认生词本
circling point

  1. 本文的研究成果为合理确定城市电网电磁网的解时机和解环点提供了理论依据。
    The research results of this paper offer theoretical basis for reasonably determining the timing and location to break up electromagnetic ring of urban power network.
  2. 非常酷的一:轮胎由结实的橡胶刻而成(当时的轮胎都不充气的),这是唯一能支撑车重的方法。
    One cool bit: the tires were chiseled from solid blocks of rubber, the only way to support the weight of the car.
  3. 这一需要强大的意志力,是自我提升中难以企及的一
    This is a hard to implement self improvement idea as it requires strong willpower.

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