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 环椎 添加此单词到默认生词本
[脊椎] lepospondylous

  1. 结论有环椎动脉沟者在飞行学员选拔中应作为一种负性因素。
    Conclusion It is suggested that the presence of cervical artery sulcus ring of atlas was a negative factor in pilot selection.
  2. 结果30例小儿环椎半脱位患儿经治疗后,29例临床症状消失,X片示枢关节恢复正常解剖关系,治愈率97%。
    Results After the treatment, 29 children recovered well-the clinical symptoms had resolved, and the X-ray showed the atlantoaxial anatomic relationship to be normal. Cure rate was 97%. Conclusion…
  3. 方法:结合的解剖特点,总结分析30例小儿自发性半脱位的诊断,采用牵引、外固定、功能锻炼综合治疗。
    Methods Anatomy of articulatio atlantoepistrophia was reviewed and the causes and clinical manifestations were studied. The traction, fixation and exercise were used to treat 30 cases.

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