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 燕尾形 [yàn wěi xíng添加此单词到默认生词本
swallow-tail form

  1. 设计用来刨燕尾形接点的木工刨。
    a wood-working plane designed to make the grooves for dovetail joints.
  2. 介绍无螺栓自固衬板及燕尾形耐磨铸钢小衬瓦在DTM型球磨机上的应用效果。
    Introduces the applying results of free bolt self-standing welt and coattail antiwear cast steel tiny lining tile in type of DTM ball crusher.
  3. 此外,还有方、菱、三角、齿燕尾形、B、C等,一般只高中压阀门中使用。
    In addition, there is a square, diamond, triangle, profile, dovetail-shaped, B-shaped, C-shaped and so on, generally the use of high and medium pressure valve.

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