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[中医] Lingdao (H 4)

  1. “嫁入皇宫是我糊涂地选择!”李萨解释
    "Having married in the palace was my decision under my nose ! " Explained by Li Sarung .
  2. 西南丝绸之路(云南驿村——大田村)驿聚落初探。
    Research on the Lingguan Ancient-post-road Settlements of Southwest Silk Road;
  3. 主要人文景观有:真武殿、大光明殿、东西朝房、钟楼、鼓楼、苍岩宫、三官阁等三十余处建筑。
    The main human landscape: Zhenwu Temple, the Temple bright, something North Korea Housing, the clock tower, drum tower, the palace Cangyan, 3 and so on more than Lingguan House Office Building.

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