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 灭门之祸 [miè mén zhī huò添加此单词到默认生词本
the calamity of family extermination

  1. 很多人被迫远离家园,甚至遭到灭门之祸
    Many people were forced to leave their homes; some were even killed with the whole family.
  2. 其中关于1599年教皇克雷孟特八世在位期间,罗马一个极其显赫富贵的豪族所发生的种种骇人听闻事而使该家族卒遭灭门之祸的史实,有 极为详尽的 记载。
    and it contains a detailed account of the horrors which ended in the extinction of one of the noblest and richest families of that city during the pontificate of Clement VIII, in the year 1599.

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