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 溶沟 [róng gōu添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 现代灰岩表面一些深度在十几厘米以下的平行溶沟则形成于全新世。
    The parallel-oriented karrens on the present limestone surface with a depth no more than 10 cm and so on are the results of the Holocene erosion.
  2. 溶沟部位的风化壳,从风化前锋向上的一定深度范围内,为原位残积风化的产物(残积层);
    The weathering crusts at solution grooves, at the scope of the depth upwards from weathering front, are in-situ weathering residues (i. e. residual layers);
  3. 概要叙述了灰色局势决策分析的原理及其在环境质量评价中的应用方法, 就阜新新邱露天煤矿排土场淋水对附近于家地区地下水环境质量的影响进行了评价研究。
    This article introduces the theory and method of Grey system policy and gives the illustration of how to use this method by the evaluation of nutritious level of the six major lakse in our country.

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