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 溴化钠 添加此单词到默认生词本
sodium bromide

  1. 在存在硫酸铜、和硫酸的情况下,用甲基从组织匀浆中萃取甲基汞。
    Methylmercury was extracted from the homogenized tissue with toluene in the presence of copper sulfate, sodium bromide and sulfuric acid .
  2. 研究了在常压下,以醋酸钴和为催体系,均三甲苯液相空气氧制备均苯三甲酸的反应工艺。
    The preparation process of trimesic from mesitylene by air in a liquid phase oxidation under normal pressure with the catalysis of cobalt acetate and sodium bromide was studied.
  3. 摘要以钙基膨润土为原料,经碳酸转型后,用代十六烷基三甲胺进行有机包裹制备有机膨润土。
    Taking the calcium bentonite clay as raw material, the organic bentonite clay was prepared by CTMAB after the sodium transition of sodium carbonate.

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