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 涎唾 [xián tuò添加此单词到默认生词本
saliva and spittle

  1. 坏死性腺化生是一种具有自限性的发炎疾病,主要侵犯小腺。
    Necrotizing sialometaplasia (NS) is a self-limited inflammatory disease mainly involving minor salivary glands.
  2. 虽然音乐肯定音乐盛典的首要,但也不要忘了美味,令人欲滴的新奥尔良美食。
    While the music may be at the top of the menu, let us not forget about the food. Lip-smacking, mouth-watering New Orleans cuisine.
  3. 陈响来了,见钱太婆唠唠叨叨的不停地说着什么,没有人能够听懂,而且,长流,身上散发着臭味,也不耐烦了。
    Chen Xianglai, money talk nineteen to the dozen the woman kept saying anything, nobody can understand, moreover, saliva flow, gives off a smell, and impatient.

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